“The madness of the eyes is the lure of the abyss. Sirens lurk in the dark depths of the pupils as they lurk at the bottom of the sea, that I know for sure - but I have never encountered them, and I am searching still.”
– Jean Lorrain
There are monsters here,
There are monsters everywhere,
But here they creep
And whisper on the waves
That crash
Like echoes
On the rocks.
The water hides their face
But in the cracks
Between the ripples,
In the white
Between the waves,
Their eyes are
Watching you.
They are always
Watching you.
That half-mirage
Of hair
You turn
And see
As seaweed,
The shadow
On the sand
You see as rocks
And then
A hand is
On your leg,
Fingers cracked
With sea salt sores,
That dig into the bone.
You thrash and twist
And then go still.
Your last breath
Drifts to the surface
And dies.
On the shore, seasoned sailors
Clutch their sweat-stained collars-
Pray for luck-
And say;
‘The current must’ve
Swept the boy
Insp. The many legends of murderous mermaids, luring sailors into the waves with their beauty and their song.
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